I swear I have never seen an organized junk drawer in real life. Raise your hand if you’re in the same boat! Why is it always the last thing in the world anyone wants to tackle?? I am super guilty of the awful junk drawer. I also HATE digging through that sucker trying to find what I need. I’m ready to change that for myself. Obviously, I’m not going to spend a lot of money on this project so here we go!…
The AWFUL junk drawer!!!

Take everything out and decide what you want to keep in the junk drawer.

Clean the drawer.

My junk drawer has ink stains on it… YAY FOR KIDS!

I bought some contact paper to make it look not quite so awful. Trim the paper to fit the drawer and start to stick the liner to the drawer starting at the edge.

Pull the backing of the contact paper. This helps it go down smooth.

The ink stain is not totally gone but its much less noticeable now.

This next thing is kind of impressive if I do say so myself. I have never seen this done before EVER.
I have the shallowest junk drawer basically ever. The dividers you can buy at the store are too tall for my drawer. So I needed a way to create a divide to keep all the things in their home…
Introducing weather stripping! WHAT?? GIRL you crazy! I know. Hear me out.

I went on Amazon and bought white weather stripping. It comes in white, gray, brown or black. I cut it with scissors to make it any length I want. It comes with peel and stick on the back so it stays in place with no additional effort. No special glue needed. Now I can make custom spaces for all the things for hella cheap! My favorite kind of DIYs.

Links for all the things:

Here is the finished product! The contact paper helps items not slip around. Everything can be peeled off so this can be done in a rental too.

Now I don’t have to dig around for what I need and it looks WAY better.

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